Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Fortune Cookie Was...Part 2

So, was my lucky star shining today?  Here's how the day went:

I did my taxes (hello, small refund), did the laundry, made chicken enchiladas for lunch with Todd's homemade tortillas, made chocolate chip cookies for dessert, did the dishes, was jonesing for a soda so bad - went to the store, bought sodas and filled the car up with gas, watched a PBS show about Selfridges department store, watched part of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, had another chicken enchilada for dinner, trimmed my fingernails, watched The Walking Dead, and now I'm going to bed.

Yes, my lucky star was shining today - it was a good day.  Not good enough to need to be warned about three months in advance by a dessert, but the normal, everyday sort of good that I'm most thankful for.

Tortillas and enchiladas
The bedroom is calling (really just including this because we spent a crapload of time cleaning it and going through all the drawers a couple of weekends ago (where does all that junk come from and why is it so easy to stuff it away in a drawer and so hard to chunk it later?) and I forgot to upload the photo then)

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