Saturday, June 14, 2014


I'm all for the right to own a gun for protection, or hunting, or...whatever...

Rawhide Kid
Sean Connery in Zardoz
This guy
But do we really need to parade them around the suburbs like I saw today?  I mean, we also have the right to own a venomous snake or a flamethrower, but carrying those things around in public places is unnecessary and asking for trouble - either by inciting, escalating, or by accident.

Because apparently you need firepower when going to the Lush Nail Lounge
Or buying fried chicken

RuPaul And The Beauty Of Nature And Weight Loss

Steak Friday last night (New York strips), and after four glasses of wine I was three sheets to the wind.  Ended up watching the Kurt Russell corrupt cop movie "Dark Blue" in English on a Spanish language channel.

While the movie wasn't dubbed in Spanish, it was dubbed in English - apparently the movie had a lot of cursing in it and they were using the badly dubbed safe for TV version.  Every other sentence was out of sync with the actors' mouths, and I swear there were a couple of scenes where it wasn't even the same actors doing the over-dubbing.

Up at 3am this morning waiting for the sunrise.  Got out at 6am to go walking.  For the past 2 months I've been walking 3 to 4 times a week, doing 4 to 5 miles in an hour each walk.  I've also been walking 2 miles at lunch when I can, though it's getting too hot for that.